Thursday, June 29, 2006

there are roads left in both of my shoes

So, I'm now 29. I've passed the last twenties landmark and I feel not a day older. But I do feel wiser and quite changed and changing as I'm here in Australia. It makes me wonder about the rest of my life. Where else will I go? What else will I see? Who else will I meet? What other challenges will I come up against? It's all so thrilling. It makes aging something to look forward to. And to always remember to enjoy the transition, for what else is life? And in the learned words of my only blood brother, "I like getting older. I feel like less of a dickhead."

My birthday celebrations were fun. Ken came for a visit and it rained the entire week. We went to the arcade and spent a good part of the evening laughing our faces off. I cried several times it was so good. We also sang karoake at a pub on Chevron - Head Over Heels (check out the lyrics - they're fucked!) That weekend we went to a dodgy but good Mexican restaurant and then to the Chophouse for some live music. It was World Cup group of 16 finals so I enlisted a handsome Brit to continue the evening (or should I say morning) to head to the Casino to the 24 hour coverage of the games for the Argentina v. Mexico game - was a good one but Mex lost. Then headed home in the first sun for seven days. It was a good birthday, well marked. But I missed you all... next year...

And now for the Impressionist portion of today’s blog entry. Beauty shots of the Gold Coast. A few folks from home requested a beach shot, and again I know that a part of your soul is eaten away each time you take a photograph of the sunset sky but I had to. It was just such an enjoyable evening on our balcony and it was just too beautiful. I’ll always store it in some part of my brain but here’s a glimpse for you.

Surfer's Paradise Beach
Sunset Sky on Chevron Island - May 9th, 2006
The moon in the southern hemisphere on the same night

It's a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll!

Simone and Mark

Blain, me, Sean

Rene, Sean, Me

Rock Quiz Night – So, Thursday night at the Chophouse has become a regular weekly ritual. It’s a very nerdy musical bourgeois evening enjoyed by a select few. We gather around with libations and preen our rock and roll feathers and eventually it all comes to a bloody mess of a junkyard cockfight. I never win. I'm always second. Someday…

Sean and Chris

Greta its your birthday! Happy birthday Greta!

For G’s 29th, we first headed out for a yummy Malaysian dinner with her twin brother and the rest of the family. Drank a lot of wine and then continued on to the Chophouse (where else?) which at the time had become our newest local and now only local. It was a rock quiz night – of which we maintain our second place rank (when will we crack 1st?) It was a whirlwind that ended in a shot of Jager and a sick quick walk home.

bocci at main beach park

So, back in the summer (I almost forget that it was really hot here not long ago) we took a fish and chip picnic and a bocci set to the park and became children again when we quickly changed the regular rules to ‘with your eyes closed’, ‘under the legs’ and ‘down the hill’ versions of the game that lasted until the sunset. And then we just looked like weirdos huddled in the dark.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

time, time, time is on my side

Wow, I can't believe its been over a month since I've blogged. I'm ashamed. But I guess its evidence that I've merged onto the main highway here in the GC and managed to follow traffic. But according to my heartbeat, I'd say I was meandering down the slow coast road and stopping it to check out all the beaches and swells instead of streaking along. I'm not in such a hurry to move on now or in such a rush to be working in film or tv. So strange have the tides turned compared to what I would be filling my days with. I've changed as I knew I would but now I get to see how. Enjoying the getting there. A goal for each human being. Glad I've stopped for a moment.

I'll be writing again soon with more pictures. I've got much to catch you up on. But next week I age a year (at least numerically) and there will be more contemplations and photos to capture the occasion. Yes there will...