Big Day Out 2007 - end of the night
Muse was amazing. We weren't super close up but we could see, it sounded amazing and we danced and danced and danced. Thought this was a cool photo.

At the final climax of Muse, this giant hand sculpture shot off 20ft flames. We were so close to it and it was really hot. But it surprised everyone and there was a huge roar from the crowd.
After losing the group and watching a bit of Tool, we headed for Violent Femmes which I had been waiting to see since I was about 15. I had heard mixed reviews about their live show but I was not disappointed. The crowd was completely ecstactic singing and dancing along together. I read a review later that said the frame of mind of the entire crowd seemed to be a collective consciousness - we were all having the best time and just so happy to be seeing and singing along with The Femmes.
It was a fantastic day that went by way to fast.
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