Chevron Island...

Well, now, I've moved on from Chevron... it was a sad affair to leave my Aussie home. Now I'm spending half my time with Greta's folks, and the other half with my sweetheart, David. I really enjoyed living on Chevron Island in the end... it was really close to everything but also had that neighbourhood feel... just a short walk from a bottle shop, pizza place, sushi train, an curry restaurant, a few pubs and a few variety shops. Perfect for quiet nights (and some nutty karaoke nights too). And we were also quite close to Surfer's Paradise, which can be a good and bad thing. Always close to shopping and home after big night's out, but also close to all that tourist thing going on...

One of the last nights, I decided to take David on a picnic at Budd's Beach which is just over the bridge and facing Chevron, dividing by the Nerang River. We were enjoying the peace and quiet and the red wine when Dave spotted a dolphin in the river. So we walked out on the beach and there were a few guys doing surf lifesaving drills and then more and more dolphins came up. There were about 20 of them and it was unheard of seeing them so far up the river. It was just amazing. Dave waded out to try and get some closer pics but all we ended up with were splashes of water where the dolphin had come up.
It was a wonderful night though. I'll never forget it...

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